Brick Repair - Wilmette, Il 60091

Wilmette, Il Brick Repair Description

We have been offering brick repair services to Wilmette, Il since 1987. Brick repair projects involve replacing old, damaged, or deteriorating bricks and mortar on a home or building in order to improve the brickwork in the given area. Most often the new bricks and mortar are installed to appear similar to the previous brickwork however changes can always be made per our clients’ requests to install new or different bricks and mortar. Bricks are very popular building materials and most homes built in the Wilmette, Il 60091 area use them due to its great durability and aesthetic appeal.

We have professionally provided our brick repair service to Wilmette, Il 60091 residents and businesses for over 26 years. Our experienced brick repair professionals are familiar Wilmette, Il homes and always provide the level of service and quality that Wilmette residents expect.

For more about our brick repair services please take a look at our main brick repair page. For references, reviews, or further information you can always contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or

Wilmette, Il Brick Repair General Information

  • We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured to perform brick repair work in Wilmette, Il.
  • We can handle necessary permits for any brick repair work in Wilmette, Il. 
  • We have many references for Wilmette, Il area brick repairs available by request.
  • We complete brick repair projects promptly with minimum distraction to our Wilmette clients.
  • Most Wilmette, Il brick repairs can be completed in 2-3 days.

Schedule Brick Repair Estimate in Wilmette, Il

We are available every day to prepare complimentary estimates on all brick repair projects in Wilmette, Il +00. We are also able to provide online “instant-quotes” if you email us photos of your project with a brief description.

To schedule your Wilmette, Il brick repair:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Wilmette, Il Brick Repair Photos

Wilmette, Il 60091 – Brick Repair – Before

This is a brick repair project that we completed on a decorative archway wall in the Wilmette, Il 60091 area. This beautiful brick feature had developed a few cracks over the years and it was time to repair the area to restore the entire archway to its full condition. We can see one crack in the photo above starting on the limestone cap and going down all the way through 3-4 courses of bricks and mortar. Not only did this detract from the original appeal of this area but if left without any repairs this brick damage could eventually threaten the structural integrity and safety of this entire wall.

Wilmette, Il 60091 – Brick Repair – After

This is a larger photo of the brick repair project that we just completed on this decorative archway. We see that the limestone cap on this wall has been properly repaired and sealed together with mortar and underneath four bricks have been replaced and mortar has been used to cement together the cracks in the remaining brick and mortar areas. This brick repair project was successful in preventing future brick damage and gave this brick wall a fresh and kept-up look. These Wilmette, Il area homeowners were happy with our services and this brick area should stay in great shape for many seasons thanks to our repairs. Click on the photos or menu above to access our main brick repair page. We also provide other full exterior services in Wilmette, Il 60091.