Chimney Repair - Lincolnwood, Il 60712

Lincolnwood, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have offered our professional chimney repair services to the Lincolnwood, Il community since 1987. Chimney repairs consist of repairing or replacing the broken bricks, stones, mortar, liners, or caps on damaged or deteriorating chimneys. The chimneys on Lincolnwood area homes are generally well-built and many have stood in great shape for decades thanks to the diligent maintenance efforts of Lincolnwood homeowners. As professional chimney repair experts we see it as our job to provide the services that help Lincolnwood homeowners keep their chimneys in safe and functional shape.

We have been performing chimney repairs in Lincolnwood, Il for over 26 years and we have established ourselves as reliable and knowledgable chimney repair specialists. Our chimney repair professionals are experienced working in Lincolnwood, Il and always provide the high level of care and service that our clients expect. Due to the nature of chimney repair work we always make sure that we take the proper precautions in setting up our scaffolding and securing all surrounding areas

For more information about our chimney repair services please visit our main chimney repair page. For reviews, references or general information please take a look at our site or contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or at .


Lincolnwood, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We are bonded, licensed, and insured for chimney repair work in Lincolnwood, Il.

  • We can handle permits for chimney repairs in Lincolnwood, Il.

  • We have excellent references for chimney repair work from Lincolnwood, Il and the surrounding area.

  • We complete all of our Lincolnwood chimney repairs promptly, safely, and professionally.

  • Most chimney repair projects in Lincolnwood, Il require only 1-2 days to complete.


Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Lincolnwood, Il

We are available each day to provide free estimates on Lincolnwood, Il chimney repair projects. We can also prepare “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your chimney along with a brief description.

To schedule a chimney repair estimate in Lincolnwood, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at: 

Lincolnwood, Il Chimney Repair Photos



Lincolnwood, Il 60712 – Chimney Repair

This is a chimney repair project that we completed on a home in the Lincolnwood, Il 60712 area. This chimney had originally been well-constructed however over the years natural weathering and rain runoff from the cap had damaged some of the top courses of bricks. These home owners hired us to repair this chimney by removing and replacing the damaged bricks and mortar around the top of this chimney. The photo on the left shows the clear extent of the damaged. Despite a few other potential trouble spots the homeowners specifically wanted us to focus on the top-most layers due to the large extent of the damage as well as the danger posed by any part of the chimney falling on anyone or anything below.

On the right we see our professional workman finishing the project after most of the chimney repairs have been completed. We see that the cracked brick and mortar areas on the top courses of the chimney have been completely replaced with intact bricks and a generous amount of fresh mortar. Whereas this chimney had once presented a danger to its surroundings now thanks to our repairs it will continue to stand in great shape for many years to come. Our chimney repair project was completed successfully and these Lincolnwood area homeowners were very pleased with our work and results.

Click on the photo for more information about our chimney repair services. We also provide other exterior services in Lincolnwood, Il 60712.