Chimney Repair - Bannockburn, Il 60015

Bannockburn, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have made our professional chimney repair services available to Bannockburn, Il 60015 homes and business owners since 1987. Chimney repairs consist of repairing and reinstalling the worn-out bricks, stones, mortar, concrete, cement, caps, seals, or liners on damaged chimneys. Bannockburn residents know that chimney repair projects are wise and necessary investments that are essential to the proper maintenance of chimneys on great looking homes and buildings.

Our professional chimney repair service has served Bannockburn, Il over the last 26 years. We see it as our professional duty to help make sure that all Bannockburn chimneys are safely and properly maintained and repaired by qualified workmen. We have built our business around our excellent reputation as knowledgable chimney repair professionals and our many years of experience allows us to always provide the best possible quality workmanship and customer service on every project. We begin every one of our chimney repair projects with great care to make sure that we maintain the safety of our clients, workers, and all surrounding properties. We also make sure to keep our Bannockburn, Il clients closely informed on the progress of their work.

More information about how we perform our chimney repair projects is posted on our main chimney repair page. Reviews, references, and general information is available if you call us at our office at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Bannockburn, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the proper licensing, bonding, and insurance to complete chimney repair work in Bannockburn, Il.
  • We can obtain necessary permits for chimney repair work in Bannockburn, Il.
  • We have excellent Bannockburn, Il area chimney repairs references.
  • We perform all of our Bannockburn chimney repairs safely, promptly, and professionally.
  • Most Bannockburn, Il chimney repair work takes just one to two days to complete.

Schedule a Chimney Repair Estimate in Bannockburn, Il

We are available every day of the week to prepare free estimates on Bannockburn, Il chimney repair projects. We also offer our clients “instant-quotes” if you email us photos of your work along with a brief description.

To schedule a free estimate for your Bannockburn chimney repair project:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Bannockburn, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Bannockburn, Il 60015 – Chimney Repair – Before

We recently completed this chimney repair project in the Bannockburn, Il area. This large, well built chimney served as a great asset on this well built home however over the years natural weathering as well as frequent use started to damage the bricks, mortar, and cap on this chimney and it was time to make some repairs. We were hired to complete this chimney repair project in order to bring this chimney back up to its best shape possible. Due to the height of the chimney we had to set up a special scaffolding and ladder system to provide our workmen with access to make the repairs. In order to complete this Bannockburn, Il area chimney repair project safely we will also secure the surrounding areas to prevent any damage to the surrounding property or residents.

Bannockburn, Il 60015 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the Bannockburn, Il area chimney repair project after it has been fully completed. We see that all of the old bricks have been removed and that new bricks and mortar have been installed in their place. The chimney cap has also been repaired as we can see by the now visible concrete chimney cap. This chimney repair was a huge success and we can clearly see the areas that we worked on due to the clean, shape, even bricks and mortar on the top two dozen or so courses of bricks. This chimney repair project was completed successfully and remain in great shape to serve this Bannockburn, Il area home for many years to come.

The photos and navigation menus above link to our primary chimney repair page. We also offer additional exterior repair services to Bannockburn, Il 60015 residents.