Chimney Repair - Northbrook, Il 60062 60065

Northbrook, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have provided our professional chimney repair services to Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 since 1987. Chimney repair projects involve repairing and replacing the damaged bricks, stones, mortar, concrete, cement, caps, seals, or liners on deteriorating or crumbling chimneys. Northbrook residents know that properly completed chimney repairs are cost-effective repairs necessary for the proper maintenance of any chimney on any home or building.

We have provided our chimney repair service to Northbrook, Il for over 26 years. As professional chimney repair specialists we see it as our job to help ensure that all chimneys in Northbrook are properly installed and correctly repaired. We have developed our business upon our reliability, expertise, and reputation as knowledgable chimney repair professionals and our extensive experience allows us to provide top quality workmanship and customer service on every project. We complete our chimney repairs carefully to make sure that our workers, clients, and project sites are kept safe during our repairs and we always keep our Northbrook clients fully informed of the progress of their chimney work.

More information about our chimney repair work is posted on our main chimney repair page. For reviews, references, or any general information please call us at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Northbrook, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the insurance, licensing, and bonding necessary to complete chimney repairs in Northbrook, Il.

  • We can handle permits for Northbrook chimney repair projects.

  • We have excellent references for chimney repairs and related work in the Northbrook, Il area.

  • We complete our Northbrook chimney repairs quickly, safely, and correctly.

  • Most chimney repair projects in Northbrook, Il require only one or two days to complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Northbrook, Il

We are available every day to offer free estimates on Northbrook, Il chimney repairs. We also offer “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your work along with a brief description.

To schedule a free Northbrook, Il chimney repair estimate:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Northbrook, Il Chimney Repair Photos


Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 – Chimney Repair

This is a chimney repair project that we completed in Northbrook, Il 60062 60065. We can see in the photo on the left that this large and highly functional chimney had fallen into a state of disrepair in recent years and a chimney repair project was necessary in order to bring it back to proper shape. The combination of frequent use, weathering, structural settling, as well as the foliage growing on it had created holes and cracks in the bricks and mortar all along this chimney which needed to be repaired. During this Northbrook chimney repair project we removed all of the dirt and debris on the chimney including the vines and we ground down the mortar and removed the bricks in the damaged areas. To repair this chimney we then installed new bricks and new mortar in all of the damaged areas. We can see on the left that the result of our chimney repair work is a clean chimney with intact brickwork and smooth and consistent mortar. The middle area of the chimney which was most damaged has been fully repaired and other key spots along the base of the chimney have also received repairs and been touched up. Thanks to our chimney repair work this Northbrook, Il chimney will continue to look great for many years to come.

Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 – Chimney Repair – During

This is another chimney repair project that we completed in the Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 area. This project was atop a very large and historic chimney on a beautiful home in Northbrook, Il. While this chimney has held up well over the years and maintained its natural and unique character several bricks had become damaged along the top and a chimney repair project was necessary to bring this area back up to proper shape. After carefully setting up our scaffolding to access the damaged chimney area we began our repairs by first removing any damaged spots in order to re-install fresh materials. In this photo we are carefully chiseling out the specifically designated damaged bricks in order to repair the top few courses of this chimney. Once our repairs are complete this Northbrook chimney will continue to serve as a great practical and aesthetic asset to this home for many years to come.

Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 – Chimney Repair – Completion

This is a photo a chimney repair project that is nearing completion in the Northbrook, Il area. This well-built chimney had some structural damage ranging from a crumbling concrete cap as well as a few cracked bricks and some damaged and missing mortar. In order to prevent any potential future damage these Northbrook area homeowners decided to be proactive and hired us to complete a chimney repair project. This photo shows the very end of the project as we are finishing smoothing the new concrete that we just installed on the chimney cap. We can see that the results of our chimney repair include new and consistent mortar, intact bricks, and an even and solid chimney cap. The care and professionalism with which we complete our chimney repairs is evident in the tight seals and smooth finish on this chimney and our quality work will ensure that this Northbrook area chimney will stay in excellent shape for many years to come.

The navigation menus and photos above link to our primary chimney repair page. We also provide additional exterior services to all Northbrook, Il 60062 60065 residents.