Tuckpointing - Northfield, Il 60063
Northfield, Il Tuckpointing Description
We have offered professional tuckpointing services to the Northfield, Il 60063 community since 1987. Tuckpointing involves repairing the brick, stone, mortar, and concrete on a building by grinding it down and then installing and shaping new cement and mortar. This procedure repairs and supplements damaged mortar and concrete and strengthens masonry joint lines. Tuckpointing will also improve the appearance of brick, concrete, and stone area and will help them look better and last much longer by preventing future damage. Northfield homes and buildings are often built with brick, stone, and concrete materials and tuckpointing these spots helps ensure that they stay in the best possible shape.
We have over 26 years of professional tuckpointing experience in Northfield, Il. Northfield home and business owners take great care of their properties and we see it as our job to help them maintain their investments by offering our reliable professional tuckpointing services. Due our years of experience and professional expertise we can complete all Northfield, Il tuckpointing projects to the highest standard of quality and customer service.
Additional information about our tuckpointing service can be found on our primary tuckpointing page. For all reviews, references, or other questions and information you can also contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or at info@deltac.us.
Northfield, Il General Tuckpointing Information
- We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured to complete Northfield, Il tuckpointing projects.
- We perform our Northfield tuckpointing projects promptly and professionally.
- We can handle necessary permits and applications for tuckpointing project in Northfield, Il.
- We have strong tuckpointing references from Northfield, Il and surrounding North Shore areas.
- Most Northfield tuckpointing projects take only one or two days to complete.
Schedule Northfield, Il Tuckpointing Estimate
All of our Northfield tuckpointing estimates are free of charge and we are available to meet or speak each day. We also offer online “instant-quotes” if you email us photos of your project along with a description.
To schedule your free Northfield tuckpointing estimate:
Call us at: 847 482-1800
Northfield, Il Tuckpointing Photos
Northfield, Il 60063 – Tuckpointing – Before
Here is a brick wall in the Northfield, Il area where we had completed a tuckpointing project. This brick wall was in good structural shape however much of the original mortar along the bottom had washed out over the years due to natural erosion and weathering. We were hired to complete a tuckpointing project to fill in the missing mortar. We can see that the middle area is in particularly bad shape by the dark lines around the brick indicating that there is no mortar in between these areas. Our tuckpointing project will address these trouble spots and fill in the necessary mortar to make sure that this brick wall stays in great shape for several more years.
Northfield, Il 60063 – Tuckpointing – During
This is our Northfield area tuckpointing project as seen in several stages of completion. The left most layers had not yet received any tuckpointing and are completely bare and un-repaired. The middle area of the bottom has had an initial layer or mortar applied to it however it has not yet been shaped, smoothed, or cleaned off. The bottom right area closest to the photo taker has gone through the entire tuckpointing process. We can see evidence of the tuckpointing work by the fresh, thicker and darker mortar joints between the bricks and by the clean and uniform finish that we achieved by shaping and removing all of the excess mortar. When our tuckpointing project is complete the remaining areas along the bottom will all match this bottom right area as we work our way to the left first applying mortar and then smoothing it out.
Northfield, Il 60063 – Tuckpointing – Finishing
In this photo our tuckpointing specialist is applying the initial coating of mortar to the final area of this Northfield area brick wall. We can see that the lower few right-hand courses of bricks have already had mortar applied to them as evidenced by the thicker coloring around their joint lines whereas the most of the courses on the left still barely have any mortar at all. To complete our tuckpointing project we will go through and apply the initial mortar to all of these remaining areas and will then clean up the area by shaping and removing any excess mortar.
Northfield, Il 60063 – Tuckpointing – Finishing
This is another tuckpointing project that we completed in the Northfield, Il area. We can see on the left that this beautiful decorative brick wall is starting to deteriorate as evidenced by large vertical crack as well as the depleted and uneven mortar surrounding the bricks. In order to repair this brick wall we were hired to complete a tuckpointing project. We started by grinding down the remaining old debris and mortar and then applied and shaped new mortar. After washing away excess mortar our tuckpointing project was completed. We can see the results of our tuckpointing in the photo on the right. All of the cracks on this brick wall have been filled in and there is now a smooth and consistent layer of mortar keeping this entire area together. This project is a great example of how quick and effective tuckpointing is at improving both the appearance and structural integrity of any masonry feature. Our Northfield area clients were very pleased with our work and this area should stay in great shape for years to come.
Click on the photos or menu above for more information about our tuckpointing service. We also offer additional exterior services to Northfield, Il 60063 area residents.