Chimney Repair - Northfield, Il 60063

Northfield, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have been providing our professional chimney repair services to Northfield, Il 60063 since 1987. Chimney repairs consist of replacing or repairing the damaged bricks, stones, mortar, caps, liners, or seals on deteriorating or crumbing chimneys. Northfield chimneys are generally well built and thanks to the diligent upkeep of Northfield residents most have stood for years and decades.

In over 26 years of offering our chimney repair services to Northfield residents we have always believed that it is our job to help ensure that our clients receive only the highest quality chimney repair experience. We value our great reputation as knowledgable and reliable chimney repair specialists and our vast experience ensures that we always provide the best possible service and craftsmanship on all of our projects. We prepare all of our chimney repair work areas with carefully and we complete our chimney repairs on schedule while always keeping our Northfield clients fully informed of the progress of their chimney repair project.

Additional information about our chimney repair service is available on our main chimney repair page. For reviews, references, or other information and questions please call us at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Northfield, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the licensing, bonding, and insurance to complete chimney repair projects in Northfield, Il.
  • We can handle permit applications for our Northfield, Il chimney repairs.
  • We have strong chimney repair references in the Northfield and North Shore area.
  • Most Northfield, Il chimney repair projects take only one or two days to complete.
  • We complete all of our Northfield chimney repair projects safely and professionally.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Northfield, Il

We can meet with you every day to prepare free estimates for all Northfield, Il chimney repair projects. We also prepare “instant-quotes” online or by email if you send us photos of your project along with a description.

To schedule your free Northfield chimney repair estimate:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Northfield, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Northfield, Il 60063 – Chimney Repair – Before

This is a chimney repair that we completed on a home in the Northfield, Il area. This chimney had originall been well built however over the years natural use and weathering had damaged some of the bricks and mortar around the top. In order to repair this chimney these Northfield area homeowners hired us to make the necessary repairs. We began by setting up our scaffolding to be able to safely and freely access the damaged area. We then dismantled the highest up and most damaged courses of bricks as we see in the photo above in order to remove all of the damaged materials. Once everything has been properly removed we will be able to complete the chimney repair by installing completely new materials.

Northfield, Il 60063 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the same Northfield, Il area chimney after we have completed all of the necessary repairs. All damaged areas have been adressed and the areas that had previously been stripped down have been completely rebuilt. We see that the top dozen layers have all been installed straight and flush with properly smoothed, shaped, and applied mortar and that the entire chimney is straight and even. The cap is intact and the liner has also been properly installed. Once we dismantle our scaffolding this chimney repair project will be complete and this chimney will be a great asset to this home for many years to come.

The menu and photos link to our main chimney repair page. We also offer additional exterior installation and repair services in Northfield, Il 60063.