Services in Libertyville
Libertyville, Il 60048 Service Area

This process consists mainly of removing old bricks that are damaged and replacing them with new ones. When brickwork is cracked or worn, one of the best ways to repair a wall is to simply forge the existing brick and replace it with new ones, or simply add a mortar to the cracks to strengthen them. The basic purpose of brick repair is to repair or replace the bricks rather than the surrounding mortar. While the repaired brick and new mortar can be tucked in to make a clean cut to match the other bricks around it, this process involves replacing the broken brick itself.
This process, which involves repairing bricks and mortar in a decaying chimney, generally includes brick repair, corrugation, washing, and concrete work (in case the chimney cap requires renovations). Chimney repair also includes replacing liners and even maintaining the pipes that carry smoke out of the chimney. However, in most cases, chimney repair only involves brick and mortar work for aesthetic and structural reasons; mainly so that the fireplace remains in optimal condition for years to come.
Concrete is considered the most popular and effective material when building sidewalks, driveways, patios, and stairs. However, it is susceptible to deterioration over time to the point of requiring replacement or repair. Generally, the old concrete must be removed in order to then prepare the mix and the way it will be placed, for later pouring it and curing it. However, there is also the option of making simple repairs in case the damage is minor or power washing to keep it clean.
The tuckpointing process consists primarily of grinding, cleaning, and filling the mortar around the brick, all in order to give the brickwork a refreshing, new appearance. This method is generally used when mortar begins to chip, get dirty, or when the bricks in a wall or fireplace show obvious signs of deterioration and need a new look. If your home has symptoms of drafts, leaks, and heat loss, tuckpointing will help seal any cracks that allow these items to enter or exit.
If your bricks appear very dirty, power washing is a good option to improve the appearance. Although the bricks have a natural appearance, they are soft and porous and with the passage of time, dirt, grime, and other deposits from within them. When this happens, it is imperative that you do a high-pressure wash with water, sandblasting, or chemicals.