Chimney Repair - Highwood, Il 60040

Highwood, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have provided our chimney repair service to Highwood, Il 60040 since 1987. Chimney repairs consists of the repair and replacement of damaged bricks, stones, mortar, concrete, cement, seals, liners, or caps on deteriorating or crumbling chimneys. Highwood residents know that chimney repair projects are wise and effective investments that are important for the proper maintenance of chimneys on any home or building.

We have provided Highwood, Il with our professional chimney repair service for the last 26 years because we believe it as our duty to help ensure that all Highwood area chimneys are well maintained and properly repaired. We have built our business and reputation on our reliable service and our knowledge of chimneys and the necessary maintenance and repairs that they require. Our long years of professional experience ensure that we can provide high quality craftsmanship and attentive customer service on each and every project. We plan all of our chimney repair projects with care to prioritize the safety of our clients, workers, and all surrounding properties. While we work we always keep our Highwood, Il clients fully informed on the progress of their chimney repair project.

More information about our chimney repair service is available on our main chimney repair page. For any reviews, references, or general information please call our office line at 847 482-1800 or send an email to

Highwood, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the necessary licensing, bonding, and insurance to work on chimney repair projects in Highwood, Il.
  • We can handle permits and applications for chimney repair work in Highwood, Il.
  • We have great references for completed chimney repair projects in Highwood, Il and all related areas.
  • We perform our Highwood chimney repair projects safely, promptly, and professionally.
  • Most chimney repairs in Highwood, Il take only one to two days to fully complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Highwood, Il

We are available 7 days a week to provide free estimates on all Highwood, Il chimney repairs. We can also provide “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your work along with a short description.

To schedule a free estimate for your chimney repair project in Highwood, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Highwood, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Highwood, Il 60040 – Chimney Repair – Before

This is a chimney repair project that we completed in the Highwood, Il 60040 area. This well built chimney on this well built home had served this family well however natural weathering and frequent use has worn away the bricks, mortar, and concrete holding this chimney together. This chimney is in need of a repair or else the current holes and cracks will continue to permit water and debris to erode the inside and outside of the chimney. If this chimney does not go through a repair process further natural processes will continue to drastically damage the structural integrity of the entire chimney creating a potential safety hazard for this home and its occupants. To repair this Highwood, Il chimney we will need to remove, grind away, and remove all of the old and damaged bricks, mortar, and debris and re-install entirely new bricks and mortar in their place.

Highwood, Il 60040 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the Highwood, Il area chimney repair as the newly installed bricks and mortar are drying. We see that the old mortar and bricks have been removed and that the newly installed bricks and mortar have been properly set in place and are perfectly neat and straight. The chimney repair process stopped any impending potential future damage that this chimney might have sustained because we completely repaired the holes and cracks that were causing the damage by reinstalling completely new bricks and mortar. This chimney repair has been a complete success and this fully repaired chimney will now serve this Highwood, Il area home for many years to come.

The menus and photos above go to our main chimney repair page. We also offer further exterior repair services to Highwood, Il 60040 residents.