Tuckpointing - Wheeling, Il 60090 60089

Wheeling, Il Tuckpointing Description

We have offered our professional tuckpointing services to Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 since 1987. Tuckpointing is a method of repairing and improving brick, stone, mortar, and concrete in which you grind down and then apply new, shaped mortar and cement in order to strengthen mortar and concrete joint lines. Tuckpointing is very often the most effective way to refresh and repair brick, stone, or concrete features on a given building because it enhances the appearance of an area while also repairing and strengthening it. Tuckpointing improves structural integrity and helps many brick, stone, and concrete building fixtures extend their life-span. Most Wheeling, Il homes and buildings are made of stone, brick, and concrete and tuckpointing these mortar and cement joint lines helps them retain and improve their durability and appearance.

We have more than 26 years of experience providing professional tuckpointing services to Wheeling, Il. Residents and business owners in Wheeling do a great job taking care of the brick, stone, and concrete on their homes and buildings and we see it as our duty help them attain this goal. Our experienced tuckpointing professionals have performed tuckpointing projects in Wheeling, Il for many years and always provide high quality craftsmanship and customer service.

For further information about the tuckpointing services we offer please visit our main tuckpointing page. You can also contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or by email at info@deltac.us.

Wheeling, Il Tuckpointing General Information

  • We complete Wheeling, Il tuckpointing projects quickly and professionally.
  • We are insured, licensed, and bonded to perform tuckpointing work in Wheeling, Il.
  • We can handle any permits as necessary for tuckpointing projects in Wheeling, Il.
  • We have positive references for the tuckpointing that we have completed in the Wheeling, Il area.
  • Most tuckpointing projects in the Wheeling, Il area requires only one to two days to complete depending on the size of the project.

Schedule Tuckpointing Estimate in Wheeling, Il

All of our tuckpointing estimates in Wheeling, Il are free of charge and we are available to meet or speak 7 days a week. We also provide online “instant-quotes” by email if you send us photos of your project with a short description.

To schedule a free tuckpointing estimate in Wheeling, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at: info@deltac.us

Wheeling, Il Tuckpointing Photos

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Tuckpointing – Before

This was a tuckpointing project that we completed in the Wheeling, Il area. A few areas on this brick wall were starting to crack and crumble and we were hired to fix up the damaged area with new mortar and cement. As we can see in the photo above the original mortar has washed out and faded away and there are cracks in both the bricks and mortar that have to be filled in. In order to begin the tuckpointing process we first had to remove and grind out all the old, loose mortar to make space for the new materials.

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Tuckpointing – After

This is our Wheeling, Il area tuckpointing project after it has been completed. We see that the previously cracked bricks and cracked and depleted mortar has been filled in with new material. The new mortar has been tuckpointed in and now gives this wall a new smooth and consistent look. This wall not only looks better but the tuckpointing work has filled in cracks which could have potentially caused structural damage if left unchecked. This wall is now stronger, safer, and has a fresh new look and should continue to be a great asset to this home for years to come.

Click on the photo above for further information about our tuckpointing services. We also provide other exterior services in Wheeling, Il 60090 60089.