Benefits Of Tuckpointing and Masonry Work

Tuckpointing in Chicago is commonly known as replacing damaged mortar joints between bricks. This process involves removing any decaying mortar and replacing it to reseal the joints. Bricks can last up to 100 years, but the mortar between them may need restoration after 20 to 25 years.

What causes mortar deterioration?
A lot of factors can cause mortar damages, and some of them may be a result of over-painting of brick facades with oil paints. However, the damage is mostly caused by weather conditions and external pollution. Sulfur compounds, dust, and other pollutants from the atmosphere and a complex series of chemical reactions occurring in the near-surface layer of the bricks are the main reason dark deposits form on brickworks in Chicago elevations.
The weakness of the whole construction is deterioration. Mortar degradation can lead to further damage to brickwork and accumulation of moisture in the walls behind the bricks. It’s important to prevent damages and fix existing issues as soon as possible. Tuckpointing is not a complicated technique, but many things can be done wrong. Having said this, it could lead to the appearance of the wall after completion. Our tuckpointing contractors are the ones that you can rely on and trust to get the job done right.
The main benefits you’ll receive by hiring professionals tuckpointing contractors in Chicago include

Weather proofing
One of the main advantages of tuckpointing is shielding your masonry structure from external weather conditions and moisture that penetrate the materials caused by corrosion. To prevent further deterioration, tuckpointing is the way to go to stop the water from entering the wall. When correctly done, tuckpointing in Chicago will extend the life of a wall, chimney, and fireplace.

Aesthetic restoration
Having a tuckpointing done in Chicago it will return your brickworks and mortar in its original condition, making your wall or chimney look good as new.

Getting a tuckpointing done, you can avoid expenses to rebuild your structure, which involves a complete tear-down and rebuilding the construction from scratch. Masonry restoration in Chicago is far more profitable than a full chimney or wall replacement.