Brick Repair - Highland Park, Il 60035

Highland Park, Il Brick Repair Description

We have been offering professional brick repair services to Highland Park, Il residents and businesses since 1987. Brick repairs generally consist of removing the old, damaged bricks and mortar and replacing it with newer properly installed materials. Usually the new bricks and mortar are repaired or installed in a style and fashion similar to the previous brickwork however we can always make adjustments based on our clients’ requests. Bricks are very popular and versatile building materials and most homes and buildings in Highland Park, Il 60035 are constructed with them due to their durability and visual appeal.

We have offered our professional brick repair services to Highland Park, Il 60035 for over 26 years. Our professional brick repair craftsmen are familiar with Highland Park, Il projects and are always able to provide the level of excellence and service that our clients expect. We are headquartered in Lake Forest and familiar with all relevant and necessary codes and requirements for all North Shore and Highland Park brick repair projects.

For more information about our brick repair services please take a look at the brick repair gallery on our main brick repair page. For references, reviews, or further information please take a look at our site or contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Highland Park, Il Brick Repair General Information

  • We are licensed, bonded, and insured for brick repair projects in Highland Park, Il.
  • We can arrange for permits as necessary to complete brick repair work in Highland Park, Il.
  • We have many Highland Park brick repair references available by request.
  • We can perform brick repair work quickly and quietly with minimal disruption to our Highland park clients or their neighbors.
  • Most Highland Park brick repairs take between a day to a week to complete, depending on the size of the project.

Schedule Brick Repair Estimate in Highland Park, Il

We are available 7 days a week to provide complimentary estimates on all brick repair projects in Highland Park, Il. We are also able to provide “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your project with a brief description attached.

To schedule a brick repair estimate in Highland Park, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Highland Park, Il Brick Repair Photos

Highland Park, Il 60035 – Brick Repair – Before

This is a larger brick repair project that we completed on a home in the Highland Park, Il 60035 area. We were performing a general renovation on this home and the homeownrs wanted to change the door and window configuration while also replacing all of the old and damaged bricks. We combined our brick repair service with our general remodeling project to accomodate the requests of these Highland Park area homeowners. In order to complete this brick repair and renovation we began by completely dismantling the existing brick wall. In this photo we are approximately halfway through dismantling the existing brick wall. After we remove this brick wall we will alter the door and window locations and then complete our brick repair by rebuilding all of the brickwork on this Highland Park, Il area home.

Highland Park, Il 60035 – Brick Repair – After

This is the same Highland Park, Il area home after we have completed our renovations and brick repair work we can see that all of the old bricks have been removed and that a new door and window configuration has been installed. This was a larger and more complicated project however our professional experience coupled with our skilled construction and brick repair expertise allowed us to complete this project to the full satisfaction of our Highland Park, Il area homeowners. The quality of our renovation and repair work is evidenced by the straight and consistent brickwork, the smoothly applied mortar, and the even distribution of all the bricks. This Highland Park, Il area brick repair project was completed successfully and this home will continue to look great for many years into the future.

Highland Park, Il 60035 – Brick Repair – Before

This is a Highland Park, Il brick repair project that we completed on a crumbling chimney. This chimney had been a useful feature on this home however over the years frequent use and natural weathering had damaged and eroded away most of the brick and mortar areas and a repair project was necessary. In order to repair the bricks on this chimney we will have to grind and chip away all the damaged bricks and mortar in order to instal new materials in their place. We can see that there are several areas that will need to be addressed due to the extensive damage. We will also need to replace the concrete chimney cap as part of our brick repair however once we are completed this Highland Park, Il 60035 chimney will look completely new.

Highland Park, Il 60035 – Brick Repair – After

This is the same chimney after we have completed our Highland Park brick repair project. We can see that all of the old and damaged bricks have been removed and that completely new bricks have been installed in their place. There are no more holes, cracks, or gaps and there is also a completely new concrete chimney cap. This brick repair project closed and holes that might be letting in water damage and also solidifed and re-strengthened the bonds between all of the bricks and the surrounding mortar. Our Highland Park brick repair project was a success and this chimney will continue to serve this home as a useful asset for many years to come.

Highland Park, Il 60035 – Brick Repair – Before

This a brick repair project that we completed on the limestone threshold of the door to this Highland Park home. This was a well-maintained area however over time a crack had developed in the limestone and some of the bricks underneath became damaged. The homeowners asked us to repair these bricks as well as the limestone slab. In order to complete our repairs we will have to remove the bricks and limestone and install new materials in their place. While most brick repair projects involve only brick replacement and installation we are also able to work on and repair limestone, natural stone, and various other masonry related materials.

Highland Park, Il Repair Bricks 60035

This is the limestone and brick repair project that we completed on this Highland Park home after all of the work has been finished. We can see that a new smooth, even, and intact limestone slab has been installed in the doorway threshold and that all of the supporting bricks underneath have also been repaired and replaced. There is no more damage and thanks to our brick repair services this area now looks great and is in safe and functioning order. There Highland Park residents were very happy with our brick repair services and will continue to enjoy the benefits of our repair work for many years to come. Click on the photo for more information about our brick repair services. We also provide other exterior services in Highland Park, Il 60035.