Chimney Repair - Kenilworth, Il 60043

Kenilworth, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have been providing our professional chimney repair services to Kenilworth, Il 60043 since 1987. Chimney repair projects consist of replacing or repairing the damaged bricks, stones, mortar, cement, caps, seals, or liners on deteriorating chimneys. Chimneys on Kenilworth homes and buildings are generally well built and their excellent construction coupled with the careful maintenance efforts of Kenilworth residents helps keep them in great shape.

In over 26 years of providing chimney repair services to Kenilworth, Il we have always believed that our job is to help ensure that Kenilworth home and business owners receive only the highest level of quality professional chimney repair services. We have built our reputation as reliable chimney repair contractors on our broad knowledge and experience which ensures that we always provide quality service and care on all of our chimney repair projects. We prepare all of our chimney repair work sites carefully and we always perform our work promptly and professionally while keeping our Kenilworth clients fully apprised of how their chimney repairs are progressing.

Additional information about our chimney repair service is available on our main chimney repair page. For reviews, references, or further information or questions please contact us at 847 482-1800 or at

Kenilworth, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the licensing, bonding, and insurance to repair chimney projects in Kenilworth, Il. 
  • We can handle permit applications for Kenilworth, Il chimney repairs.
  • We have excellent chimney repair references in the Kenilworth and the surrounding North Shore area.
  • We complete all of our Kenilworth chimney repairs safely, promptly, and professionally.
  • Most Kenilworth, Il chimney repair projects take only a few days complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Kenilworth, Il

We are available every day to prepare free estimates on all Kenilworth, Il chimney repair projects. We also offer “instant-quotes” if you email us photos of your project along with a description.

To schedule your free chimney repair estimate in Kenilworth, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Kenilworth, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Kenilworth, Il 60043 – Chimney Repair – Before

This is a chimney repair project that we completed on a home in the Kenilworth, Il 60043 area. This large and well-built chimney had started to develope some damage around the top. Natural weathering and water runoff from the concrete cap had eroded and washed away a good amount of the mortar in between the top few courses of bricks and additional moisture damage had created minor chemical damage on the right side as evidenced by the white efflorescence residue. In order to repair this chimney we will remove any damaged bricks and mortar and install new materials in their place to make sure that the chimney on this Kenilworth area home remains in the best shape possible.

Kenilworth, Il 60043 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the same Kenilworth, Il area chimney after all of our repair work has been completed. We can see that all of the damaged bricks and mortar underneath the cap have been repaired and that there is no longer any efflorescent residue on the right hand side. Not only did we repair all of the brick work on this chimney but we were also able to repair and seal the concrete cap on top of the chimney to make sure that it is sound and secure. The thick new mortar and consistent brick layout shows that this chimney repair project was completed successfully and these Kenilworth area homeowners were very pleased with our service and results.

The menu and photos above access our main chimney repair page. We also provide additional exterior installation and repair services in Kenilworth, Il 60043.