Tuckpointing - Kenilworth, Il 60043

Kenilworth, Il Tuckpointing Description

We have been provided Kenilworth, Il 60043 with our tuckpointing services since 1987. Tuckpointing is a masonry repair method in which brick, stone, mortar, and concrete is grinded down to remove loose dirt, mortar, and debris so that new materials can be installed. During tuckpointing new mortar is installed to fill in any cracks around damaged, chipping, or depleted mortar, concrete, brick, and stone joint lines. Tuckpointing improves the appearance of these materials while also strengthening these areas structurally by improving the bonds between brick layers. Most Kenilworth homes and buildings are built with these materials due to the practical nature and tuckpointing these areas ensures that they remain in the best possible shape.

We have over 26 years of professional experience completing tuckpointing work for Kenilworth, Il home and business owners. Kenilworth residents take great care of their homes and buildings and we see it as our job to assist them in keeping the masonry features on their properties in the great shape by providing our reliable tuckpointing services. Our qualified workmen are highly skilled and well experienced completing all tuckpointing projects in the Kenilworth, Il area and our knowledge and experience ensures that we always complete our Kenilworth tuckpointing projects to the highest level of quality and service.

Additional information about our tuckpointing services can be found on our main tuckpointing page. For references, reviews, or other questions you can always contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or at info@deltac.us.

Kenilworth, Il General Tuckpointing Information

  • We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured for Kenilworth, Il tuckpointing projects.
  • We complete our Kenilworth, Il tuckpointing projects promptly and professionally.
  • We can handle permits and applications for any tuckpointing project in Kenilworth, Il.
  • We have excellent references for tuckpointing work in the Kenilworth, Il area.
  • Most Kenilworth, Il tuckpointing projects take only one or two days to complete.

Schedule Kenilworth, Il Tuckpointing Estimate

All of our Kenilworth tuckpointing estimates are free of charge and we can meet or speak each day. We also offer “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your project along with a brief description.

To schedule a free Kenilworth tuckpointing estimate:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at: info@deltac.us

Kenilworth, Il Tuckpointing Photos

Kenilworth, Il 60043 – Tuckpointing – Before

This is a tuckpointing project that we completed on the front brick wall of this Kenilworth area home. We can see that this beatifully built area is in need of certain repairs. A good amount of the mortar on this wall has been washed away over the years from natural weathering and erosion and a tuckpointing project is necessary to fill in the missing materials. We will tuckpoint this entire area including all of the regular bricks, arch bricks, and vertical soldier bricks to make sure that this area will not experience any future damage. Our tuckpointing work will also enhance the structural bonding between all of these different bricks and give this Kenilworth area home a fresh new look.

Kenilworth, Il 60043 – Tuckpointing – After

This is the Kenilworth area tuckpointing project after all of our work has been completed. We can see that all of the areas that were missing mortar have been fully filled in and that our tuckpointing work has given this entire area a complete and consistent appearance. All of the cracks and holes that might have created leaks and drafts are gone and instead due to the new mortar that we installed during our tuckpointing project. This project specifically highlighted the high value that tuckpointing provides in that it not only prevented future damages, but it also strengthened this entire area and enhanced the already existing beauty of this well built area. These Kenilworth area homeowners were very pleased with our tuckpointing results and the brick area on this home will stay in great shape for many years to come.

Click on the photos or on menu options above for more information about our tuckpointing service. We also provide other exterior repair and installation services to all Kenilworth, Il 60043 home and business owners.