Chimney Repair - Lincolnshire, Il 60069

Lincolnshire, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have offered our professional chimney repair service to Lincolnshire, Il 60069 residents since 1987. Chimney repair work involves the replacement or repair of deteriorating stones, bricks, mortar, concrete, cement, caps, seals, or liners on damaged or aging chimneys. Chimneys in Lincolnshire, Il are well built and their strong construction and the diligent upkeep and repair work of Lincolnshire residents keeps them in great shape. During our 26 years of offering chimney repair services to Lincolnshire, Il area residents and business owners we have always seen it as our job to make sure that our Lincolnshire clients only receive the highest quality chimney repair services possible. We pride ourselves on our great reputation as knowledgable and reliable chimney repair specialists and our experience ensures that we always provide the best quality workmanship and customer service on all of the projects that we complete. We approach all of our chimney repair project taking great care to mind the safety of our clients, workers, and surroundings and we complete our repairs promptly and professionally while keeping our Lincolnshire clients closely informed on how their chimney repair work is progressing. Further information regarding our chimney repair services is available on our main chimney repair page. For additional reviews, references, or any general information or questions please call us at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Lincolnshire, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the necessary licensing, bonding, insurance to complete chimney repairs in Lincolnshire, Il. 
  • We are able to handle permits for all of our Lincolnshire, Il chimney repairs.
  • We have many positive chimney repair references in the Lincolnshire, Il area.
  • We complete all of our Lincolnshire chimney repair projects in a safe and professional manner.
  • The majority of our Lincolnshire chimney repairs require only one or two days to perform.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Lincolnshire, Il

We are available 7 days a week to offer free estimates on all Lincolnshire, Il chimney repairs. We also offer “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your project along with a short description.

To schedule a free estimate for a chimney repair project in Lincolnshire, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Lincolnshire, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Lincolnshire, Il 60069 – Chimney Repair – Before

This is a damaged chimney that we were hired to repair on a home in the Lincolnshire, Il area. Though this brick chimney is large and strongly-built it has started to deteriorate from natural use and weathering. The most significant and visible damage has occurred on the face bricks and we can see that several dozen bricks are deeply damaged and gouged out. This damage is most likely the result of water and ice re-freeze cycles as well as general weathering however it poses a significant threat to this home, its chimney, and its occupants. The crumbling on these bricks as well as deteriorating mortar and an old concrete cap threatens the structural integrity of this chimney and poses a safety hazard to this home as well as its occupants since bricks, mortar, concrete or debris can easily fall off and seriously harm anyone or anything standing below. When these Lincolnshire, Il area homeowners called us it was definitely time to perform a chimney repair project.

Lincolnshire, Il 60069 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the Lincolnshire, Il area chimney repair project after completion. All of the old, damaged bricks have been completely removed and replaced and new mortar has also been installed. We can see on the broader face that all the gouged out bricks are now gone and completely new bricks have been installed that are flush with the rest of the wall. Any uneven areas or missing mortar has been installed and solidified and this chimney has now been returned to its full structural strength. The concrete chimney cap has also been repaired and this chimney is now in great shape from top to bottom. Thanks to our chimney repair project these Lincolnshire, Il homeowners have averted any potential problems that this chimney could have caused and will now have a great, strong chimney on their home for many years to come.

The photos above can take you to our main chimney repair page. We also offer other exterior services in Lincolnshire, Il 60069.