Concrete Lincolnwood, Il 60712

Lincolnwood, Il Concrete Description

We have provided Lincolnwood, Il 60712 with professional concrete repair and installation services since 1987. Concrete is a practical, popular material used on driveways, walkways, sidewalks, stairs, steps, patios and many other building fixtures. Concrete is clean and durable and goes well with just about every architectural style. When properly installed and regularly maintained it will retain its structural integrity and crisp appearance for many years and seasons. Concrete is used on almost all buildings in Lincolnwood, Il due to its versatile nature and our professional services make sure that these concrete fixtures always remain in the best possible shape.

We have over 26 years of professional experience repairing and installing all types of concrete fixtures on Lincolnwood, Il homes and buildings. Our professional concrete specialists are familiar with Lincolnwood, Il and its construction requirements ensuring that we always deliver the high degree of service and quality that Lincolnwood clients expect.

For more information about our concrete installation and repair services please visit our general concrete page. For reviews or references regarding our concrete services in Lincolnwood, Il please contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or by email at

Lincolnwood, Il Concrete General Information

  • We are fully licensed, bonded, and insured to complete concrete repair and installation projects in Lincolnwood, Il.
  • We can handle required permits for any concrete project in Lincolnwood, Il.
  • We have many strong references and reviews for concrete projects completed in Lincolnwood, Il.

Schedule Concrete Estimate in Lincolnwood, Il

We are available every day to offer free estimates on all concrete work in Lincolnwood, Il. We also provide online “instant-quotes” if you email us your photos along with a brief description.

To schedule a free estimate for a concrete project in Lincolnwood, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Lincolnwood, Il Concrete Photos

Lincolnwood, Il 60712 – Concrete Walkway – Before

This is a concrete project that we completed in Lincolnwood, Il 60712. This area had originally served as a rear patio that was perfect for grilling and gathering however due to natural use and weathering it had fallen into disrepair in the last few years. We can see that the concrete slabs are uneven and that the main concrete area is cracked, buckled, and uneven. There have been several attempts made by the homeowners already to repair this area as evidenced by the black tar lines along the cracks, but these repairs have been insufficient. To fully repair this area we will need to completely remove the existing concrete in order to install a completely new walkway and patio for this Lincolnwood home.

Lincolnwood, Il 60712 – Concrete Walkway – After

This is the completed Lincolnwood, Il concrete patio after all of our work has been completed. As mentioned above we had to completely remove all of the old concrete. We began by breaking up the old concrete and then we removed it and hauled it away along with any other miscellaneous debris. We then smoothed the underlying area and built a temporary wooden support framing. We then installed all the necessary gravel and wire mesh and finally poured the new concrete. As the new concrete was drying we shaped and smoothed it and so that it set properly. We also divided the concrete into slabs to make any future repairs easier to complete. As we can see our concrete patio project was completed successfully and these Lincolnwood homeowners were very pleased with our result.

Lincolnwood, Il 60712 – Concrete Driveway – Before

This is a concrete driveway that we installed on the same Lincolnwood home from above. This concrete driveway had been badly damaged with several large cracks and holes and in order to repair it and renew it it was necessary to re-install the concrete in this entire area. In this photo we can see that we have removed all of the old concrete and are in the process of preparing the area to install new materials. We have set up cones and tape to secure the area and have also installed wooden support frames around the area to properly contain the new concrete. We smoothed the underlying area and are in the process of installing new wire mesh. This photo shows the level of preparation that we bring to each concrete installation project and the proper steps that we take for each project.

Lincolnwood, Il 60712 – Concrete Driveway – After

This is the same Lincolnwood concrete driveway after all of our work has been completed. Thanks to all of our proper preparation work we were able to successfully install the new concrete. We can see by the smooth and consistent appearance that all of the concrete was properly shaped and smoothed and that it was allowed to properly dry and set. We still have the entire concrete area closed off to ensure that the concrete fully hardens before allowing anyone to step or drive on it. This new concrete driveway went well with the new concrete walkway and these Lincolnwood homeowners were very pleased with our efforts and results.

Click on the photos or the menu above for more information about our concrete services. We also provide additional exterior services in Lincolnwood, Il 60712.