Brick Repair Mount Prospect, Il 60056

Mount Prospect, Il Brick Repair Description

We have provided the residents and business owners of Mount Prospect, Il with our professional brick repair services since 1987. Brick repair projects consist of the removal of cracked and broken bricks and mortar and the later installation of new material in order to repair a brick area on a building. The fresh bricks and mortar are generally installed to match the previous materials or the surrounding area but we can always make changes if our clients request them. Due to their natural look and durability bricks are always a popular building material and are frequently used to build homes, stores, and businesses in Mount Prospect, Il.

In order to correctly maintain the brick and mortar on homes and buildings installations and repairs should be made by professional workmen. We are proud to have been in business as Mount Prospect brick installation and repair professionals for over 26 years. Our brick repair experts all have many years of experience performing brick repair projects in Mount Prospect, Il. As a result we are always able to deliver the high quality workmanship and service that our clients expect.

For more information regarding our brick repair services please visit our general brick repair page. For references, reviews, and other information and questions you can also contact us by phone at 847 482-1800 or by email at

Mount Prospect, Il Brick Repair General Information

  • We are bonded, licensed, and insured for brick repair work in Mount Prospect, Il.
  • We can handle necessary Mount Prospect brick repair permits.
  • We have many positive Mount Prospect area brick repair references.
  • We complete every one of our brick repair projects quickly and professionally with as little disruption to our Mount Prospect clients or their neighbors as possible.
  • Most Mount Prospect, Il brick repairs take only one or two days to complete based on the size of the project.

Schedule Brick Repair Estimate in Mount Prospect, Il

We are available everyday to provide free estimates on all brick repair work in Mount Prospect, Il 60056. We also prepare online “instant-quotes” if you email us photos of your project along with a description.

To schedule a free brick repair estimate in Mount Prospect, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Mount Prospect, Il Brick Repair Photos

Mount Prospect, Il 60056 Brick Repair – Before

This is a brick repair project that we completed on a chimney in the Mount Prospect, Il area. The chimney on this home had some severely damaged bricks that urgently needed to be replaced and repaired. The damaged bricks were not only bad for the structural integrity of the chimney, but they also posed a safety hazard since loose bricks or debris could easily have fallen off and damaged anyone or anything below. In order to repair these bricks we had to access the roof and first remove all of the damaged bricks, mortar, and debris in order to make space for the new materials which will later be installed.

Mount Prospect, Il 60056 Brick Repair – After

This is our Mount Prospect area brick repair project after it has been completed. We can see that the broken bricks in the damaged corner have been completely removed and replaced and select areas have also had a new layer of mortar applied to them. This brick repair project was completed successfully and now both the bricks and mortar on this chimney are safe and structurally sound and can continue on to be a great asset to this Mount Prospect, Il area home.

For more information about our brick repair service click on this link or on the project photograph above. We also offer other exterior repair services in Mount Prospect, Il 60056.