Chimney Repair Niles, Il 60714

Niles, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have offered our chimney repair services to the Niles, Il community since 1987. Chimney repair projects consist of repairing or replacing broken bricks, stones, mortar, liners, or caps on chimneys that are either damaged or deteriorating. The chimneys on Niles homes are well-built and many have stood for decades due to the diligent upkeep and maintenance efforts of Niles homeowners. We see it as our job to provide the repair services that help Niles homeowners keep their chimneys in safe and operational shape.

We have repaired chimneys in Niles, Il for over 26 years and are proud to have established ourselves as leading and reliable high quality chimney repair specialists. Our chimney repair professionals are well experienced working in Niles, Il and provide the level of care and service that our clients expect. Chimney repair projects are often completed in close proximity to other homes and structures and usually require the use of scaffolding and we always take every precaution to complete our chimney repair projects in the safest and most professional manner possible.

To see more about our chimney repair services please visit our main chimney repair page. For reviews, references or more general information please take a look at our site. You can also contact us directly at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Niles, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We are bonded, licensed, and insured to complete chimney repair projects in Niles, Il.
  • We can handle necessary permits for chimney repairs in Niles, Il.
  • We have many excellent references for chimney repair work from the Niles, Il area.
  • We complete all Niles chimney repairs quickly, safely, and professionally.
  • Most chimney repair projects in Niles, Il require 1-2 days to complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Niles, Il

We are available 7 days a week to provide free estimates on all Niles, Il chimney repair projects. We also provide “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your chimney along with a brief description.

To schedule a chimney repair estimate in Niles, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Niles, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Niles, Il 60714 – Chimney Repair

We completed this chimney repair project on a home in Niles, Il 60714. The photo on the left shows the crumbling mortar and damaged bricks on the chimney before we started working. The damage on this chimney not only made it look neglected but it also created a potential safety hazard if any of the bricks or mortar were to fall on anyone below. In order to repair this chimney we would have to remove the dozen or so highest courses of bricks and mortar.

The photo the right shows our completed Niles chimney repair. We see that the dozen or so courses which had damaged bricks and mortar have been completely replaced and repaired as evidenced by the smooth mortar lines and intact bricks. The new bricks and mortar have been properly installed and now this chimney is fully repaired and will serve as a valuable aesthetic and practical asset to this home for years to come.

Niles, Il 60714 – Chimney Repair – During

This is another photograph of the Niles, Il chimney repair project from above. This shows the chimney repair work in progress. Our experienced repairman is in the process of applying the mortar onto the chimney after all the damaged bricks have been removed and new ones have been installed. The two ladders and tarps ensure the safety of our worker as well as the safety of this Niles home and all the people and structures around it. Our professionalism and carefulness in completing this project is what made this Niles chimney repair project a success and now this home will have a great functioning chimney for years to come.

Click on the photo for more information about our chimney repair services. We also provide other exterior services in Niles, Il 60714.