Chimney Repair Prospect Heights, Il 60070

Prospect Heights, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have offered our professional chimney repair services to Prospect Heights, Il 60070 since 1987. A chimney repair project generally involves replacing the damaged brick, stone, mortar, seal, cap, or liner materials on a damaged chimneys. Prospect Heights chimneys are well constructed and most have stood intact for many decades due to the diligent maintenance efforts of Prospect Heights residents.

We have repaired Prospect Heights chimneys for over 26 years and we see it as our job to help make sure that Prospect Heights residents always receive proper professional chimney repair services. We are proud of our well established reputation as skilled and reliable chimney repair contractors and our years of professional experience repairing Prospect Heights chimneys allows us to always provide high quality workmanship and customer service. We approach every chimney repair project carefully and complete our repairs promptly and safely while always keeping our Prospect Heights clients closely informed on the progress of their chimney repair project.

Additional information about our chimney repair service can be found on our main chimney repair page. For customer reviews, references, or general information please call us at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Prospect Heights, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the licensing, bonding, and insurance to perform chimney repair work in the Prospect Heights, Il area.
  • We are able to handle permits for Prospect Heights chimney repairs.
  • We have strong chimney and masonry repair references in the Prospect Heights area.
  • We complete our Prospect Heights chimney repairs safely and professionally.
  • Most Prospect Heights chimney repairs require only one or two days.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Prospect Heights, Il

We are available each day to provide free estimates on all Prospect Heights chimney repairs. We also prepare online “instant-quotes” by email if you send us photos of your project along with a brief description.

To schedule your free chimney repair estimate in Prospect Heights, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Prospect Heights, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Prospect Heights, Il 60070 – Chimney Repair – Before

This is a Prospect Heights, Il area chimney repair project that we recently completed. We can see that this tall and well built chimney has developed some damage on the top few courses underneath the chimney cap due to rain water run-off and natural weathering. To repair this chimney we will need to re-apply these bricks and mortar to prevent any future damages. While this amount of damage is unsightly, if proper chimney repairs are not completed soon then this chimney could very well pose a safety hazard to this home or anyone below. To begin our repairs on this Prospect Heights chimney we will begin by securing the surrounding areas, setting up scaffolding, and then removing the damaged areas to begin our repairs.

Prospect Heights, Il 60070 – Chimney Repair – After

Here is the Prospect Heights, Il chimney project after all of our repairs have been completed. We can see that the courses around the top which had previously been damaged have all been repaired and that there are new bricks and new mortar in the place of the previous damaged materials. Our repair work not only repaired the damage on this chimney but it also helped prevent future damage by preventing new water or debris from entering any holes or cracks on this chimney thanks to the generous and comprehensive layer of mortar holding all of the new bricks together. This Prospect Heights chimney repair project was completed successfully and these homeowners were very pleased with our results.

The menu and photos above link to our main chimney repair page. We also provide other exterior services in the Prospect Heights, Il 60070 area.