Chimney Repair - Rosemont, Il 60176

Rosemont, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have provided our chimney repair service to Rosemont, Il 60176 since 1987. Chimney repairs consist of the repairing and replacing the damaged bricks, stones, mortar, concrete, cement, seals, caps, or liners on deteriorating chimneys. Rosemont residents and business owners know that chimney repairs are effective and important investments that are necessary for the proper maintenance of any home, building, or chimney.

We have provided Rosemont, Il with our professional chimney repair service for over 26 years and we believe it is our duty to work towards making sure that all Rosemont chimneys are properly maintained and well repaired. We have built our business on our reputation as knowledgable and reliable chimney repair experts and our long years of professional experience allows us to provide quality craftsmanship and great customer service on every project. We set up our chimney repair projects carefully to ensure the safety of our workers, clients, and their properties and we keep the homeowners of every Rosemont project fully informed on the progress of their work.

More information on our chimney repair service is posted on our main chimney repair page. For any reviews, references, or general information please call our office at 847 482-1800 or email us at

Rosemont, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We have the insurance, licensing, and bonding to perform any chimney repair in Rosemont, Il.
  • We can obtain permits for chimney repairs in Rosemont, Il.
  • We have great references for Rosemont chimney repairs and related work.
  • We perform Rosemont chimney repairs safely, promptly, and professionally.
  • Most Rosemont chimney repairs take one or two days to complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Rosemont, Il

We are available each day of the week to provide free estimates on Rosemont chimney repairs. We also offer clients “instant-quotes” online if you email us photos of your work along with a description.

To schedule a free estimate for your Rosemont, Il chimney repair:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Rosemont, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Rosemont, Il 60176 – Chimney Repair – Before

We performed this chimney repair project on a home in the Rosemont, Il area. This is a tall, well built chimney on a well cared for home however weathering, water, and everyday use has eroded and worn down the bricks, mortar, and concrete on the top most courses of bricks and in a few other key spots. This chimney needs a repair soon or else the existing leaks and drafts will continue to allow water and debris to penetrate inside which will cause more damage to the integrity of the entire chimney. To repair the chimney for these Rosemont, Il area homeowners we need to first remove and grind away the old mortar, bricks, and debris and then re-install new bricks and mortar in their place.

Rosemont, Il 60176 – Chimney Repair – After

This is the Rosemont, Il area chimney repair project after it has been completed. The old, damaged bricks and mortar have been removed and replaced and the new materials have fully set. The most damaged areas on the top have been completely repaired as have any other key spots on this chimney that might have needed a repair. The concrete cap had previously been removed and has now been reinstalled and this chimney repair project has been a very successful and beneficial decision for these homeowners. This chimney repair project is now fully completed and we can see by the even mortar and strong bricks that this repaired chimney will continue to serve this Rosemont area home very well for many years to come.

The navigation menu and photos above go to our primary chimney repair page. We also offer additional exterior services to Rosemont, Il 60176 residents.