Chimney Repair - Wheeling, Il 60090 60089

Wheeling, Il Chimney Repair Description

We have been providing chimney repair services to Wheeling, Il since 1987. Chimney repairs consist of repairing or replacing old or damaged bricks, stones, mortar, caps, liners, or seals on chimneys that are either damaged or deteriorating. The chimneys on Wheeling homes and businesses are well built and have stood intact for decades due to the diligent maintenance efforts of Wheeling residents. We see it as our job to help Wheeling residents keep up their chimneys by providing them with our professional chimney repair services.

We have repaired chimneys in the suburb of Wheeling, Il for over 26 years and have proudly established ourselves as leading chimney repair professionals. We are experienced completing Wheeling, Il chimney repairs and always provide the high degree of customer service and care that our clients expect. We take every precaution to perform all of our chimney repair projects safely and quickly and we also set up our equipment and protective materials to ensure the safety of our Wheeling clients and their neighbors.

For more information about our chimney and repair services please visit our full chimney repair page. For reviews, references, or further information please take a look around our site or contact us at 847 482-1800 or at

Arlington Heights, Il Chimney Repair General Information

  • We are licensed, bonded, and insured to complete chimney repair projects in Wheeling, Il.
  • We can obtain necessary permits for chimney repairs in Wheeling, Il.
  • We have strong references for chimney repair work from the Wheeling, Il area.
  • We complete Wheeling chimney repairs safely, quickly, and professionally.
  • Most chimney repair projects in Wheeling, Il take 1 to 2 days to complete.

Schedule Chimney Repair Estimate in Wheeling, Il

We are available every day to provide free estimates on chimney repairs in Wheeling, Il. We also offer “instant-quotes” online if you email us with photos and a description of your work.

To schedule a chimney repair estimate in Wheeling, Il:

Call us at: 847 482-1800

Email us at:

Wheeling, Il Chimney Repair Photos

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Chimney Repair 1

This is a chimney repair project that we completed in the Wheeling, Il area. This beautiful, vine covered chimney has been a great aesthetic and functional asset to this home for years however over time several bricks and some of the mortar has started to deteriorate and crumble. We were hired to repair this chimney to return it to its best possible shape. We are currently hammering out old bricks in order to remove them and to install new bricks and mortar in their place. Despite the great height of this chimney we were still able to access it safely by setting up secure and professional scaffolding. This scaffolding has allowed us to complete our repairs without any chance of harm to this home, its residents, or our workmen. After completing our work and dismantling our scaffolding this chimney repair project will be complete and the chimney on this Wheeling, Il area home will stand in good shape for years to come.

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Chimney Repair 2 – Before

This is a chimney that we repaired in the Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 area. We can see that the condition of this chimney is starting to deteriorate. The concrete cap is cracked, the mortar is crumbling and falling off around the bricks and there are gouges and indents on the bricks themselves. If this chimney continues to stand without any repairs pieces might start chipping and falling off potentially creating a safety hazard for this home, its occupants, and anyone nearby. In order to bring this chimney back up to proper condition a chimney repair project needs to be completed.

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Chimney Repair 2 – During

Here we are in the process of completing the chimney repair project for this home in the Wheeling, Il area. We accessed the roof using ladders and scaffolding and have secured the roof and surrounding areas from potential debris using tarps and other materials. We are in the process of removing all the old bricks, mortar, and debris from the chimney in order to begin the repair process. Once the old materials have been removed we will be able to install new bricks and new mortar to repair this chimney and to bring it up to its full and proper condition.

Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 – Chimney Repair 2 – After

This is the final result of our chimney repair project. We see that this chimney has been fully repaired as evidenced by the intact bricks, even mortar, and new smooth concrete chimney cap. Thanks to our repairs this chimney is now safe, strong, and secure and will serve as both a stylistic and practical asset to this home for many years to come. We have removed all scaffolding and safety materials and this chimney is now ready to be used by our Wheeling, Il area clients. Click on the photos above for more information about our chimney repair services. We also provide other exterior services in the Wheeling, Il 60090 60089 area.