Understanding the Tuckpointing Process

If you have an infrastructure that has exterior and interior bricks and that has an old mortar that requires replacement, then it is important that you understand the tuckpointing process so that you can make the right decision. This process consists of removing and replacing the old mortar with fresh mortar in a way that contrasts with the brick, in order to give it a specific appearance. Here at Delta Masonry and Tuckpointing we will explain it to you in depth.

Understanding the Tuckpointing Process
If you still don’t understand the tuckpointing terminology, don’t worry, here we explain it to you as follows to make it easy for you.

It is a term that refers to filling the spaces (called mortar joints) between the brickwork with mortar when building a wall or chimney.

It is a term that refers to the removal of the old mortar due to deterioration and its subsequent replacement with a new one.

This term is very similar to repointing, but with a little extra detail. In performing these tasks, the tuckpointing contractors will use mortar that is close in color to the brick in the wall. In the center of the mortar joint they will use a contrasting color to create authentic fillets that run the length of the joint.

When old mortar must be removed, contractors will work in 3’x5 ‘sections and using a cold chisel. They should also work with the mortar, leaving a 1/2 ” gap in the brickwork. Aside from that, contractors will use a whiskey broom to brush off accumulated dust from the crevice they are creating. Upon completion of this, contractors should wet the bricks and allow them to sit for 24 hours, in order to re-moisturize it to the point where the installation of the new mortar can be carried out without problem.

After 24 hours, the contractors will mix small amounts of the new mortar and then place them in the spaces. At this point it should be noted that, for the brickwork to maintain its usual and discreet appearance, the mortar must have a color similar to the bricks. Therefore, the use of common cement mortar is recommended. However, if the bricks happen to be older than half a century, they should only use a combination of file and sand mortar, as the use of cement mortar could damage them as they dry.

Later, the experts will use a long trowel to work the mortar towards the crevices. They should use the flat part of the trowel to keep excess mortar out of the crevice of the brickwork and should keep the joints smooth and level horizontally and vertically as well. After this, they will place the putty and create an intricate fillets in the central part of the mortar crevice. This part requires a lot of precision. There is also the option of tuckpointing yourself, but if you do not have the necessary experience to do it, you could make many mistakes (for example: fillet lines too wide, not uniform, among others) to the point of ruining the effect of the work and requiring more expensive assistance to fix it well.

If you want to know more information regarding tuckpointing or masonry work in Chicago, do not hesitate to contact our experts in the field. When it comes to Delta Masonry and Tuckpointing, we are No.1 for service and quality!